How YelloStack Developed Online Doctor Consultation App in Saudi Arabia 2021?

YelloStack Mobile App Development Company in Saudi Arabia is happy to be a part of creating evolution in the health care department by facilitating improvised doctor-patient communication on various online medical treatments for the ailed patients at the comfort of home. One of our client from the Health Sector approached us to build an “Online Doctor Consultation App Development in Saudi Arabia “. So, here is the story, how we have developed an ultimate multi-module iOS & Android OS Support Mobile App – “The Best Doctor Consultation App in 2021” for Android & iOS Platform. The Features of the Online Doctor Consultation App in Saudi Arabia: Fix up Specialist Home visit Appointment or Consult a Surgeon Online/Virtual anytime based on the patient insurance ID’s class eligibility. Schedule Live Video Interaction with Doctor. Emergency Telemedicine Solutions Order & Collect Medicines from the nearest or convenient Medical Store Book the permitted Lab Test at Home. Do...